Mean People Suck Blog

How Empathy Rescued Disney’s Frozen from the Cutting Room Floor

How Empathy Rescued Disney’s Frozen from the Cutting Room Floor

Empathy with its characters is an essential ingredient of a successful film – or a successful venture of any kind, for that matter. One of Disney’s biggest hits, Frozen rose from certain disaster to become the highest-grossing animated film of all time. That is, until...

Fostering Innovation & Empathy, CEO Models Lifelong Learning

Fostering Innovation & Empathy, CEO Models Lifelong Learning

In a decade in which many executives valued innovation yet felt leery about taking the plunge, Jeffrey Immelt took GE’s reins, transforming the legacy giant into a more agile organization. With a core commitment to lifelong learning not only personally but corporately...

What Do Employees Really Value? It’s Not Just About Salary

What Do Employees Really Value? It’s Not Just About Salary

What you pay your employees certainly matters. They aren’t volunteers, after all, and they depend on their paychecks for survival. But when it comes to gauging exactly what they value the most, salary is far from the only contributor. So, what do employees really...

It’s Customers, Not Corporate Leaders, Who Can Show You the Way

It’s Customers, Not Corporate Leaders, Who Can Show You the Way

Companies in all industries are still reeling from the incredible rate of change brought on by the digital revolution. And, we’re not done yet. In fact, fast-paced change appears to be the new normal. We operate in a business environment where every day brings new...

What the Changing Fortune 500 Tells Us About Empathy

What the Changing Fortune 500 Tells Us About Empathy

Everyone’s familiar with the Fortune 500 and the clout and prestige it brings. Fortune Magazine first started the list way back in 1955, naming the companies with the highest revenue in the U.S. Much has changed since the first list, and it’s important to look at the...

How an Article from a Marketing Renegade Inspired Mean People Suck

How an Article from a Marketing Renegade Inspired Mean People Suck

You wouldn’t think that a book about empathy in the workplace could possibly draw inspiration from someone whose home turf is the cutthroat New York marketing agency world that inspired Mad Men. However, when Drew Neisser penned “How to...

Is Empathy the Key to More Productive Employees?

Is Empathy the Key to More Productive Employees?

What do you think are the main factors that motivate employees at work? How do you think you could get more out of your employees and reduce employee turnover rates? You’re probably thinking along the lines of a more competitive salary or attractive bonuses. Or, maybe...

The Link Between Empathy and Innovation

The Link Between Empathy and Innovation

In today’s fast-paced world, innovation has become a critical factor for business success. No longer just for tech companies, today’s businesses must “innovate or die” – failing to evolve and continually come up with new and better solutions dooms an organization to...

How My Son’s Lego Obsession Taught Me About Empathy

How My Son’s Lego Obsession Taught Me About Empathy

My son, like so many kids his age, is obsessed with Legos. He wants to be an engineer someday, so I can forgive the searing pain when I occasionally step on one. His Lego love affair is definitely a love-hate relationship for me (and most parents). So, you’re probably...

Buy A Mean People Suck T-Shirt and Get A Signed Copy of the Book FREE

Buy A Mean People Suck T-Shirt and Get A Signed Copy of the Book FREE

From now though the holidays, I'm offering a free signed copy of my book Mean People Suck ($15.99 retail) with any purchase of a Mean People Suck t-shirt. I'm even giving a 20% discount off of the t-shirts. Shop now! I'll also send you a copy of the Audiobook Visual...