Mean People Suck Blog

How Great Leaders Use Storytelling to Activate Empathy in Their Teams

How Great Leaders Use Storytelling to Activate Empathy in Their Teams

With a long career in sales and marketing, I’ve had direct experience of how persuasive storytelling can be. But storytelling is a useful tool not just for selling things. It can be an effective tool for learning, too. This won’t be a surprise to anyone with a...

The 21st Century Innovation Paradox and What We Can Do About It

The 21st Century Innovation Paradox and What We Can Do About It

What’s the most desirable trait every company today wants boatloads full of? Innovation. In the post-digital era, no matter what industry you’re in, your company is probably constantly looking for creative ways to apply new technologies so you can become more...

Do You Love or Hate Your Job? The Science of Happiness At Work

Do You Love or Hate Your Job? The Science of Happiness At Work

How many people do you know who truly love their jobs and are happy at work? How many times have you come home from work and complained about your boss, a coworker, or a difficult customer? You might think the key to being happy at work is to change your boss or even...

Why Advertising Doesn’t Work: The Link Between Empathy and Sales

Why Advertising Doesn’t Work: The Link Between Empathy and Sales

In chapter four of Mean People Suck, I talk about the link between empathy and sales. Because digital technologies have disrupted the way we do business and customers have developed a distrust of brands, traditional advertising has lost its effectiveness. The growth...

Hug Your Haters? How Empathy Helps Us Gain Customers For Life

Hug Your Haters? How Empathy Helps Us Gain Customers For Life

Before I sat down to write Mean People Suck, I read a lot of books that looked relevant to my research. When I first saw this title – Hug Your Haters – I thought, “Are you nuts? Why should I hug my haters?” I mean, aren’t haters the very definition of mean people? And...

What Makes a Good CEO?

What Makes a Good CEO?

When I was researching Mean People Suck, I came across this research by Fortune. Many people are already familiar with Fortune’s list of the World’s Most Admired Companies, but for the last three years, Fortune has also asked survey respondents to give their personal...

Overcoming Bad Management Decisions with the Power of Empathy

Overcoming Bad Management Decisions with the Power of Empathy

In the first chapter of Mean People Suck, I discuss “The Illusion Point” – the concept that many people think they understand marketing and have great ideas, even when they’re going against the evidence provided by data. This is especially true in the case of CEOs,...

Your Company Probably Sucks and Your Customers Know It

Your Company Probably Sucks and Your Customers Know It

Does your company put the needs of employees ahead of self-preservation? Is employee engagement or customer satisfaction measured and rewarded? Do you force contracts to pay your vendors in 45 days and then pay 3 weeks late? Have you defined a purpose for your...

Empathy in the Workplace: How Does Your Company Stack Up?

Empathy in the Workplace: How Does Your Company Stack Up?

In case you haven’t heard, empathy in the workplace has made a big splash in the business world. Turns out, making empathy a priority at your workplace is incredibly profitable for business. Skeptical? Read on. Quick Takeaways Empathy has become the newest workplace...

Why Traditional Org Charts Are Bad For You and Your Company

Why Traditional Org Charts Are Bad For You and Your Company

Show me your company’s organizational chart, and I’ll show you everything that’s wrong with your company culture. You’re probably familiar with the traditional organizational chart – a neat, orderly visual representation of the hierarchical structure at your company....

Why We Learn Empathy Then Lose It.

Why We Learn Empathy Then Lose It.

It's The Key To Happiness. With 53 different jobs under my belt, I’ve seen my share of bad bosses. I’ve also seen some co-workers who undermine their colleagues every chance they get. Part of the reason people yell at, gossip about, and undercut others at work is...

This Little Girl Crying Shows Us How Empathetic People Inspire

This Little Girl Crying Shows Us How Empathetic People Inspire

When was the last time you cried at a movie? Or felt compassion when a co-worker told you his child was getting bullied at school, or that his father just passed away? Does your heart go out to the neighbor’s three-legged dog when you see her hobble along the sidewalk...

5 Simple Steps To Thriving Over Mean People Who Suck

5 Simple Steps To Thriving Over Mean People Who Suck

"Want the secret to getting what you want in life?" It's a question posed by every online life coach, fad diet, and late-night infomercial. However, the solution I have for getting what you want in life is not a product or a diet. It may be as simple as kindness and...